
In a world of superheroes, a villain wanted to make everyone a master of their own fate. Something went wrong and for a few seconds the walls between the dimensions shattered.

The world was left reeling with cities, towns, people and more replaced by things from other earths, some remarkably similar to their own, others radically different. And where altered humans had been a miniscule minority, easily controlled and their powers generally used for the good of society through offers of high paying jobs and other benefits, the millions of people and animals who came from elsewhere are scared, confused, and all too often, powerful.

To handle the super powered threats, destruction and chaos, the North American Hero Pact has to call upon the newcomers, trying to find the ones who are willing to help and can be trained. Creating teams on the fly in a desperate bid to regain control.

Fire Dancer, Chill, Driver and Gravel are one of the youngest teams created, trying to find a place in the new world as they struggle to survive.

2 responses to “About

  1. Oh, hey! An About Page!

    Hmm… so is this a general summary, and will be updated as new developments arrive or just an intro, like the good blurbs on the back of books? I assume the latter…

    “Struggle to survive” … Uhh… not ‘adapt’, but ‘survive’? If I’m inferring properly, things are gonna get a whole lot worse…

    Err… Typos:

    Frost is still Frost here, not Chill…


    • Yeah, I’m still working on the codenames, I’ll be editing everything again tomorrow or the next day. Thanks.
      Anyways, this is more like a blurb, once things progress enough I may make a timeline about it all, not sure yet.
      And ‘struggle to survive’, was carefully chosen. I don’t play nice.


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